Worst Friends of the Year

by furkan00021published on 26 Nisan 2019

Hopefully your friends are better than these people. You recognize your squad in any of these clips? Let us know in the comments section, and remember to get the FailArmy holiday movie here! http://bit.ly/holidaymovieYT Send us your funny fail videos at FailArmy.com! Watch Next: Bad Friends 2014 https://goo.gl/Z54J4w Bad Friends 2015 https://goo.gl/2BwPf1Guys Push Friend in Hammock https://goo.gl/LFpW87 Friend Falls Off Back of Dirt Bike https://goo.gl/XYNGHE Snow from Roof Falls on Top of Man https://goo.gl/MgRVwe Kid Smacks Big Mac out of Other Kid’s Hand https://goo.gl/gkrvPn


10 minutes each. A vegetarian brief. Access to a bunch of ingredients. What else could they need? Maybe a solid definition on the meaning of vegetarian by the looks of things.

Chris Hemsworth, Brie Larson, Paul Rudd, Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Karen Gillan, Don Cheadle, and Danai Gurira from Marvel's "Avengers: Endgame" all sit down to learn what their fates would be if faced with a real life snap from Thanos.

Since the last Animals go crazy compilation, we've found some crazy animal attacks ranging from elephants to seals.

I like nice things, but I also like fails. Put those two together and you get this beautiful video! Leave us a comment below and if you've got any good fail videos, send them over to us at FailArmy.com!!

When people go up against nature, it usually doesn't end so well. So we thought it would be fun to watch people vs. nature and enjoy some fails. Leave a comment below and let us know which is your favorite! Have a fail of your own? Submit it to FailArmy.com!!

We quiz Jesse Lingard on his Manchester United teammates' FIFA 19 stats. Who is the strongest player? Who has the best stamina? And who is the slowest player at the club?

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